Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Breast Cancer awareness

I made this for my multimedia journalism class:

Ryan Skidmore lost his mother to breast cancer at age 14. Since that time, his life has taken some unexpected turns and he struggled to understand why God took his mother away. After years of inactivity in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Ryan missed the opportunity to serve a mission and experience the joy that comes from living the gospel.  Now, 27 years old, Ryan is engaged to married in the temple to his sweetheart Alex and has come back into full activity within the Church. His testimony of families and the gospel has grown and he has come to understand that this experience has made him who he is today – stronger and better.  Even though the loss of his mother is still close to his heart, he does all he can to talk about her and promote breast cancer awareness through the life he lives each day.

While filming this short video on Ryan and his experience with losing his mother through breast cancer, I was able to find out that his aunt died shortly after his mother from the same diagnosis.  His grandma is also a victim of breast cancer.  Ryan is a collector of Air Jordan shoes. Perhaps his favorite shoes are those that he bought for the breast cancer foundation. They are pink and symbolize his love for his mother and other family members that were victims of breast cancer.  Each year, Ryan participates in a run for cancer and donates to causes whenever possible.

Please donate to the National Breast Cancer Foundation Inc. today : You could save a life.

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