Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Mediocrity anyone?

Yesterday in a class, I overhead a boy say to another classmate, "Just so you know, I NEVER do more than I have to."  I hope the boy didn't look in my direction after that comment, because I probably had a "that's really dumb" look on my face.

I have been thinking of that boy and about his attitude regarding his education and couldn't help but think it was likely going to rub off on his perspective in living life.

I don't think we fully understand what we are capable of doing.  When we are given the opportunity to fly, there are going to be some who take that opportunity and there will be others that say, "I NEVER do more than I have to."  To me, those represent the two types of people in the world today.

Every successful individual in life will tell you that positive thinking and goal setting has been a tremendous help in their life - and could even be closely connected to their successes in life.

I believe that when we think positively, we cannot help but challenge ourselves. We develop an attitude of confidence and we harvest strong desires. We can accomplish goals, dreams and have things work out incredibly for us. I believe this, because I'm living proof.

It seems like whenever I do something challenging, something new, or something simply out of my comfort zone, I am surprisingly rewarded with something better and better.  My experiences in "doing more than I have to" really have given me a richness in my life I don't think I could have received from any person, award or holiday.  There is just something special about stepping outside of ourselves and seeing how far we can fly.

For the second person- the one who chooses, "I NEVER do more than I have to", a lot of forfeiting takes place.  Not only is this type of person disregarding their talents and capabilities to do great things, they simply are throwing away their life.  They would rather utilize their time with mediocrity.

It is evident to see where my opinion lies concerning these two people. Life is life - it is for everyone. We are all different.  We have preferences and opinions and goals - and we also have reality.

Reality doesn't mean we have to submit ourselves to the sometimes mundane routines of life.

Why are we letting the mediocrity of the world get in our way of doing greater things?


  1. Love what you've written! He'll either settle for mediocrity and be happy living the mundane, or he'll wake up in a decade or so and wish he'd done more, and who wants a life of regret caused by omission!
    I've loved reading about your adventures in Europe, something that would've scared me silly...but I'm slowly learning about reaching further and living more spontaneously. It's sad when you realise that the only person who held you back is yourself! It's made teaching my children about self-worth and self-belief all the more important. I want 'to do more than I have to' in all aspects of life!

  2. Thanks Lisa - I am sure you are a great example of pushing yourself and reaching your goals! Thanks for reading;) Just some thoughts I was having and threw it together quickly for a blog! Hope all is well with you! I think about everyone in Carmarthen quite frequently and miss it there.
